$17.3mm in new deal value for this B2b service

August 1, 2024

The Challenge

This client's ideal customer profile (ICP) was not only narrow, but their service requires a large investment ($300k+ annually) that can usually only be taken by Fortune 100 size companies. Their sales pipeline is months, not days, and typically requires the approval by 5+ decision makers because it's such a large investment. Finding the right, qualified leads for them was going to be like finding a needle in a haystack.

The Opportunity

With great challenge also comes great opportunity. Because their clients are worth so much, winning just one of them could mean $300k+ in annual revenue instantly. While the hunting would be tough, if we were able to crack the funnel the yield would be incredible, and set this client on a new course that they previously had never been able to embark upon.

What We Did

Our strategy was 2-pronged: we needed to capture the small (but valuable) audience that were looking for this service here and now, and also raise awareness to the broader market and prime the path for their outbound sales team that was also cold-calling and pursuing priority account.

We knew that if we were going to win, we need to have a push/pull strategy like this to cover all of our bases.

Google Ads were going to play a huge role in demand capture, and we did vigorous landing page testing to achieve the highest possible conversion rate since the clicks were exceedingly expensive ($70+) because without a strong conversion rate, the cost-per-lead (CPL) would simply be too high.

We then utilized Meta and LinkedIn for cold prospecting and Retargeting to close to loop on those visitors that were interested, but for some reason left the site after the first click.

In addition to all the work on the paid ads side, we also collaborated with the content team to develop a tripwire strategy to generate leads for visitors that weren't quite ready for a full demo. Using this additional strategy, we were able to 4x the amount of raw opportunities they got each month.

The Results

In the end, paid ads contributed $17.3 million in new deal value with less than $360,000 spent on paid ads.

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